17th May, in afternoon: Excursion to the Museum of Poltava Battle history and to the Pottery Museum in the village Opishnya.
Pottery Museum in the village Opishnya
There is a small village Opishnya in Poltava region. Here is located one of the most powerful and famous centers of the cultural identity of Ukrainians. Opishnya – is a well-known capital of Ukrainian pottery that was entered by the decree of the Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine in the “List of historic settlements of Ukraine.” In the late XIX – early XX centuries this small village was populated by more than 1000 potters whose products were sold to various countries around the world. Today, there are several state institutions – the National Museum – the Reserve of Ukrainian Pottery, the State Specialized Boarding Art School, the “College of Arts in Opishnya”, and the Institute of Ceramic Art – a branch of the Institute of Folk Studies under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine.

The Pottery Museum was opened in 1986. Three years later, according to the adapted resolution, the State Museum of Ukrainian Pottery was formed on its basis. It is an important scientific research, cultural and educational institution. In 1995, the Research Center was opened. It includes: the Center of the Ukrainian Pottery Studies, the Center of the Special Methods of the Ceramics Research, an Information Center of the Ukrainian Pottery Source Studies, the Center of the Art Traditions Preservation, and the Center of Spiritual Culture. In March 2001, the Museum was granted a National status. The main activities of the Museum are the formation of the ceramic collections and the scientific research on the history of Ukrainian pottery.

The Museum collection includes more than 40,000 items. There is a National Gallery of Ukrainian monumental ceramics that consists of the ceramic works of well-known artists. Another part of the Museum is a Library, where a diverse literature on the pottery is compiled. In the archives and audio-visual studios all the visitors can get acquainted with the various materials about the history of Ukrainian pottery. The Museum publishes periodicals and books that often win in the prestigious Ukrainian contests.